Map to Success

This is the Humboldt Map to Success. Below are six general categories where students often seek help. This map acts as an essential tool to connect you to resources on campus that will help you succeed both in and out of the classroom. This university is an amazing place and for most of us, it will be the most arduous chapter of our lives so far. So, become aware of these resources to make this journey a little less challenging and a little more exciting.

The Learning Center provides peer tutoring in many forms, and making the most of the Library's resources can be helpful to any student.



Navigating a smooth and succesful academic pathway can be difficult. These tools will help you chart your course towards graduation. 


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Homesickness can have a negative impact on any student. No matter what excites you, there's a new home with a new family waiting for you at Humboldt.


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Community engagement is a core part of the Humboldt experience. Find out how you can contribute to your community!


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Whether it's stress, hunger, or the flu that's bringing you down, Humboldt has the resources to help you develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle.


You will leave Humboldt with more than a diploma. Sometimes, the skills you can learn outside the classroom can be as essential as what you learn in it.
